The Way to Employ Talstar Granules in the Yard

The Way to Employ Talstar Granules in the Yard

Talstar is a new bifenthrin insecticide sold in granular form for control of ground-dwelling insect pests. It’s lethal to over 20 different pest species which lawns and other landscaped areas around constructions, institutions or houses. It is approved for outdoor recreational playing fields. It’s not authorized to use on crops grown for seed or for food. Nor is it accepted for use on greenhouses, golf courses, sod farms or nurseries. Always avoid skin contact when using this product.

Remove. Put including a shirt and long pants. Place on eye protection, work gloves, a hat and a dust mask. Avoid getting Talstar insecticide in your bare skin. If you receive it on your bare hands, arms or body regions take off contaminated clothing and wash affected areas.

Pour Talstar granules to your yard spreader’s hopper. Apply to your yard at a speed of 100 pounds per acre or 2.3 pounds per 1,000 square feet. On areas such as athletic fields, you may apply double those amounts. Walk at a constant speed, so the edge of every row only overlaps the edge of the row, pushing the spreader When employing a walk-behind spreader. Drive at 3 miles an hour in parallel rows, hardly overlapping the preceding row, When using a spreader mounted on a yard tractor.

Water Talstar by employing 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of water based on the targeted pest infestation to the floor. Two weeks, if you notice signs of renewed insect activity, wait and apply a Talstar treatment.

Employ additional Talstar to control fire ants (Solenopsis invicta), a significant stinging lawn pest at the Southwestern and Southeastern United States. While air application of Talstar will kill foraging workers, place treatment to kill the queens must be received by every fire ant mound in your yard. Employ 1/2 cup of Talstar granules in and around each mound. Break the very top of every mound up and instantly so the insecticide can dissolve soak the mound with 1 to 2 gallons of water and flow into the mound.

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