How Window Film Can Make Your House Look Better

Most people view window cleaning as a way to increase their home’s privacy and scarcely consider this addition as a way to increase the property’s curb appeal as well. In fact, there are different types of window tint for you to choose from that you can use to enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal.

Most residential window tints are made from PET, and while some tints are dyed with metals or pigments to reduce the amount of light that comes through, others are layered for extra strength. You’ll be glad to know that window tint is typically very durable and scratch proof, and is mostly applied on the window interior instead of the exterior.

Read on to learn more about the different types of window installation and how you can use them in your home.  

Types of Film

Decorative Film: This type of film is very thin, yet effective at blocking out light and providing discretion. Most homeowners use it to embellish their doors, and for many it’s the better alternative to replacing a window when desiring a stained glass.

Solar Film: Solar film is much thicker, as it’s made from certain dyes and metal, and it provides different benefits from decorative film, such as cutting glare, reducing heat gain, insulating the windows, balancing out hot and cold spots, as well as insulating windows and blocking harmful UV rays for up to 99%. The best part about solar film is that it automatically regulates the internal temperature of your home, while saving energy through reduced heat gain and better insulation. Also, with less UV ray penetration, your rugs and furniture won’t fade out as fast.

Security Film: Of all the three types of film, security film is the thickest. It’s very durable and is mostly used to transform the windows into safety glass. Due to its strength, security film doesn’t shatter when the glass is broken but forms a spider web that delays intruders while making it extremely hard for them to enter your house.

Installation and Curing

Installing window repair is fairly easy; however, it’s best to hire a professional for the job so that you know the installation comes with a warranty.

Prior to the installation, the windows have to be cleaned and the film glass sprayed with an application solution. Then, you have to wait for the film to cure, keeping in mind that thick and dark tints take longer to cure than thinner and lighter ones. During this process, you might also see some haze or bubbles forming on the tint, which is an indication that the light-blocking and insulation qualities of the film are working.

Cleaning Window Film

Cleaning window film is just like maintaining regular windows. All you need to do is use your regular window cleaner and a squeegee and microfiber cloth.

How Long Do Window Films Last?

Residential window tint for interiors is quite durable, which is why it comes with a 10 to 15-year warranty. The lifespan of exterior window replacement, on the other hand, will depend on the usage.