The best way to Plant Lantana in the Fall

The best way to Plant Lantana in the Fall

Lantana is a plant with more than 100 100 diverse species. One of the most often cultivated is Latana camara, which is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant-hardiness zones 7 to 11. This plant grows right into a relatively big shrub — up to 5 feet broad and tall. In climates, lantanas are usually planted in fall or the spring. If frost is a problem, drop plantings should take place at least six months prior to the first frost that is expected. Before chilly climate arrives, this permits time to become more successful.

Cultivate the soil around 8″ deep using garden fork, shovel or a tiller. Incorporate 3 or 4 inches of organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure to produce a planting bed that’s fertile, well-draining and somewhat elevated. Places with a few afternoon shade suffice, although plant lantanas in full-sun.

Dig planting holes which can be twice as broad as the nursery containers. The holes should be deep enough so the crops are placed in the same depth in the containers. Space holes 1 to 3 feet apart, with respect to the spacing needs of the specific selection. Turn each container and gently squeeze it, if feasible, to produce plant and the soil. If required, have a knife and slide it in soil and the container to loosen the two. Before planting to lessen the anxiety of transplanting, lantanas needs to be watered.

Set the crops — with soil and their root balls in tact — in the planting holes. Fill and pack the holes using the soil from Stage 1. Don’t pack too or you may constrict moisture and air movement in the soil.

Water the lantanas nicely with 1-inch of water. Add 2″ of mulch round the crops to to store soil moisture. In climates with frost, mulch aids the s Oil preserve even s Oil temperatures, offering the time to become established before cold temperatures.

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