Can Steel Wool Be employed on Glass Shower Doors?

Can Steel Wool Be employed on Glass Shower Doors?

The Clorox Company advocates super-fine steel wool pads for cleaning your glass shower doors, but not everyone agrees. Their synthetic activity may scratch the glass or even dull the finish of the metal frames. When it comes to deep cleaning, you can find safer and more efficient options.

Steel Wool? Yeah…Probably Not!

Clorox recommends with its brand of steel wool soap pads to be used on shower doors, however Dauphin Revenue, a distributor of glass inside design goods, advises staying away from steel wool in general. Even ultra-fine steel wool can etch glass and dull metallic finishes. The exact same is true for abrasive cleaners, like scouring powder and — arguably — the soap that’s from the steel wool pads advertised by Clorox.

Safe Alternatives

The clouding and frosting in your own shower doors is caused by soap scum or hard water deposits. You can often take care of soap scum by wiping the glass down with shampoo and with a squeegee after taking a shower. Spray hard water deposits liberally with full-strength vinegar. Allow the vinegar to dissolve the salts for about 10 minutes; then rinse with clear water and squeegee dry.

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