Pine tree sap is the kind of substance you may never think about until it gets on your clothes, sleeping bag or outdoor furniture cushions. While this gooey mess seems to stick to everything, it is possible to eliminate it from fabric. Removing it is a little like removing chewing gum — initially, try to make it tough and brittle to snap it off, then liquefy or dissolve the remainder to the stage it rubs right off the fabric.
Place the fabric item, if small enough to fit, in the freezer for a couple of hours or till the pine sap is brittle. If the object is too large for the freezer, cover the sap using a piece of wax paper, then put an ice pack or zippered sandwich bag filled with ice cubes atop the wax paper before the sap hardens. Wiggle the fabric under the sap back and forth, or press on it to decipher the sap. Scrape off the sap using a plastic knife. Wrap a piece of packing tape over your hands sticky-side out and then dab it over the rest sap to eliminate it.
Apply a small quantity of a citrus-based goo remover, like the kind used to eliminate sticker deposits, over the sap, allowing it to soak in for many minutes. Scrub the sap and goo remover away with a moist cloth.
Pour some rubbing alcohol on a corner of a white soft fabric; utilizing white ensures that no dye goes above to this sap-ridden fabric. Dab the alcohol over the sap before the sap comes away. Add a small mild dish soap to some other corner of the cloth dampened with water. Wipe the fabric to wash away any remaining residue. Rinse the white cloth, then wipe the formerly sappy area once more. Allow to air dry.
Mix a tablespoon of powdered non-bleach laundry detergent using just enough water to make a paste-like consistency by means of a spoon. Apply the soap glue over any remaining sap stains and let it sit for thirty minutes. Wipe away the glue with a moist sponge. Enable the fabric to air dry.