Root veggies full of nutrients and vitamins, turnips, have several uses in the kitchen. Roots make an outstanding addition to stews and soups, and daring taste is offered by the greens when steamed or sauteed. When developed as a border plant near a side walk or flowerbed the greens have decorative value. To get the largest, most tasty turnips in your house backyard, amend your soil with nutrient-rich fertilizer following planting and before.
Spread 2 to 4 inches of composted organic matter more than 100 100 square-feet of soil.
Apply 2 to 4 cups of all purpose fertilizer, like 101010, 102010 or 16168, per 100-square feet.
Work organic matter and the fertilizer to the top 6″ of the soil then plant your turnips.
Fertilize turnips again six months after emergence. Use 1/3 cup of a nitrogen-based , such as34-0%03 cup of a nitrogen-based fertilizer, such as 34-0%0-0%03 cup of a nitrogen-based fertilizer, such as 34-0-0 or21-0%03 cup of a nitrogen-based fertilizer, such as 34-0%0such as 34-0-0 or 21-0%0such as 34-0-0 or 21-0-0, for every 10-foot row. Mix the fertilizer to the soil next to every plant.