It’s possible for bathtub plumbing pipes to leak, and when that happens, you may not know it till you see water pooling on the ground under the wall or the wall itself becoming moist. Pinpointing the source of the leak is of prime importance, but that isn’t always simple, because the water may be coming from somewhere over the restroom. You may realize that the water is coming through a wall or the roof, or even from the tub enclosure itself. If the latter, you will want to fix the tile, then re-caulk joints in the fence, or even replace the fence altogether.
Where the Water May Be Coming From
The most vulnerable joints in the tub and shower plumbing are those around the valve. These comprise the water inlet connections as well as the nipples that connect the tub spout and shower head, and other connections in the water pipes can also flow. Because water tends to flow across the framing, water behind a bathtub wall can also be arriving from a leak from the shingles or the roof. Moreover, because bathrooms in apartments along with multi-story dwellings are often stacked to make plumbing installation easier, the water in your toilet may be arriving out of a leak in a toilet on a ground above.
Use the present Access Panel or Cut One
If the person who constructed your bathroom thought ahead, you will get an entry panel, either behind the wall which comprises the pipes or within a wall in an adjacent room. Otherwise, you either need to cut one yourself or cut through the wall over the bathtub faucet. That can be troublesome if the wall is tiled, and to prevent having to destroy the shingles, look for a wall in a cabinet or an adjacent room whereby you are able to get the pipes. Cut a big enough hole in the drywall to permit you to view from the ground to the ceiling using a torch.
It’s a Plumbing Leak
Once you’re inside the wall, then it is usually easy to spot the issue. You’ll see water near the ground, naturally, and it’ll most likely be running along a pipe. Simply follow it to it’s origin. If you do not see any water spraying or dripping, turn on the tap; it might be arriving from a leaky tub or bathtub nipple. If so, you’re in luck, because you can remove and replace both of these nipples from away from the wall by unscrewing them using adjustable pliers. Stopping Water spraying in the tub or shower valve is more complex, and might involve removal of this valve, which is usually a job for a plumber.
Mystery Leaks
Leaks that you can not pinpoint can be troublesome, but pinpoint them you must, because water can quickly damage the framing and create a mold-promoting surroundings — if it hasn’t already. In case you have access to the upstairs toilet, try running the water to determine whether the leak gets worse; the issue might be a leaking valve or drain. If the leak isn’t coming from an upstairs toilet, inspect the siding and search for signs of leaking in the attic. You can usually fix siding leaks with outside caulk. In case you trace the leak into the roof, then find the point where water is entering and patch the roofing in that point as required.