The squeaks and squeals emitting out of your dryer are signs of wear, and the noise coming from the laundry area of your home will not be stopped by trying to spray off the noises. When the dryer glides begin to wear and age these noises occur. Other sounds and signs pointing to worn slides comprise grinding, clanging and your clothes. Fixing your dryer glides will stop the sound and prevent damage to your clothes.
Locating the Glides
Unplug your dryer from the electric wall socket for safety. When it is still connected to an electric current, you should never work on almost any appliance.
Open the dryer cabinet. Models and different dryer makes have different disassembly instructions; the most typical is explained here.
Metal putty knife – inchs into front seam dividing the cover of the dryer from the cabinet body. Twist your putty knife along the seam until it strikes the clip holding the surface of the dryer.
Position the putty knife against the front of the clip. Push in on the knife to disengage the clip holding the top. Find the clip on the side of the seam using the very same steps as before to repaint the clip that is next.
Lift the cover of the dryer up as if opening the lid on a top loading. Lean the top against the wall behind the dryer to support it in the open place.
Look within the dryer cabinet along the front to find the cable harness connecting the controller panel. Squeeze the tabs on each side of the harness as you pull on on the two sides.
Remove the two screws, one in the top of each corner, holding the dryer cabinet’s front . Lift upward while pulling on the front of the cabinet.
Turn the front of the dryer cabinet around to locate the lip around the dryer door opening to locate your dryer glides. Depending on your make and model, there are 3 possible slides, an upper sensed slide on the cover of the lip, riveted Teflon slides to the left and right of the 6 o’clock position on the lip, or snap-in plastic glides to the left and from the 6 o’clock position on the lip.
Upper Felt Dryer Glide
Peel the older felt glide from the surface of the dryer door opening. If you can not grip it with your 20, you might want to slide your putty knife underneath the felt.
Scrap any adhesive away and felt residue out of the lip with a stiff wire brush. This prepares the surface for the installation of this new sensed slide.
Apply a couple of thin lines of high-heat adhesive felt glide. Place the new felt slide onto the lip. Use small pieces of tape or tiny knobs to hold the glide in place for about 30 minutes until the adhesive sets.
The front of the cabinet with the upper felt glide onto the dryer body. Reverse the steps you used to disassemble your dryer to reassemble the dryer. Reconnect your dryer to the electric socket.
Snap-In Plastic Glides
Position a heavy-duty flathead screwdriver between the slide along with the metal bracket linked to the lip of this dryer opening. This could take some effort depending on the wear of the slides. Lift up on the screwdriver manage to pry the glide.
Add the broad end of this new plastic glide on the bracket in the larger of the two slots. Insert the end of this plastic glide in the slot that is bigger. Push down on the plastic glide to snap it.
Install the front of the cabinet with the glides onto the dryer body. Reverse your steps to put your dryer back together. Plug your dryer.
Riveted Teflon Glides
Add a drill bit. Tighten the chuck according to the instructions of your drill.
Position the tip of the bit against the cover of the rivet holding the first Teflon slide into the metal slide bracket across the edge of the dryer opening. Drill through every rivet on the glide, and pull on the first glides off the bracket.
Slip the ends into the two slots on the bracket. The cork comes with runs involving the Teflon glide and the bracket and the Teflon glide. Slip the ends of this Teflon glide into the slots, then placing the Teflon glide along with the cork.
Add the end of a few of those rivets, supplied into a hand-held manual rivet tool. Place the short end of the rivet into the little hole at each end of this glide and through the little hole at the metal glide bracket. The rivet tool manages to rivet the Teflon glide that is new .
Place the front of the cabinet with the Teflon glides back. Reverse every measure . Connect your dryer to the electric socket.