The border finish on a sheer curtain is where a professional finish is most evident. Mastering a fantastic edge finish will hallmark you as an innovative home-decor seamstress and elevate your fabrications to the coveted status of custom-made over homemade — even without a professional blind-hemming machine.
Hand Sew
Fold the edge of the curtain over 1 inch, wrong sides together, and press the fold. Fold the border again 1 inch and pin the hem in place. Don’t press the second fold.
Take a little pick-stitch near the peak of the curtain on the next fold of the hem within an anchor stitch.
Slide the needle under the upper layer of fabric of the second fold and run the needle perpendicular to the next fold toward the hem for 1/2 inch. Exit the fold and pull up the thread.
Take a small stitch over the folded hem and into the curtain. Pick as several stitches as you can. Insert the needle under the upper layer of the hem and the next fold for 1/2 inch. Exit the fold and pull up the thread. Take another little stitch into the curtain and over the folded hem. Continue along the folded edge to the bottom of the hem. Back-tack to affix the thread, and cut off the surplus.
Press the finished hem and allow it to cool before moving the curtain.
Fold the edge of the curtain over 1 inch, wrong sides together, and press the fold. Again fold the border 1 inch, and pin the hem in place. Press this second fold.
Put 1/4-inch-wide fusible tape involving the curtain face and the second fold. Put a pressing cloth over the fold and fuse based on the manufacturer’s directions. Don’t slide the iron over the fabric as it is fusing, since this leads to ripples in the hem. Lift and transfer the iron, then reset it to the new department to fuse.
Let the curtain thoroughly cool before moving it.
Machine Sew
Fold the edge of the curtain over, wrong sides together, 1 inch and press the fold. Fold the border again 1 inch, then pin the hem in place. Press this second fold.
Position the curtain below the foot of the sewing machine, with the right side of the fabric on the surface, and the hem against the feed dogs. Keep the fabric educated as it goes through the sewing path. Maintaining it taut and sewing using the hem on the underside lowers the take-up of this machine sewing.
Sew near the next fold and press on the finished hem. Let it cool before moving the curtain.