How Many Cherry Tomato Plants Per Hanging Planter?

Hanging baskets make handy containers for vegetables and fruits, while adding style and color to a deck or patio. Not only are baskets overflowing with mini tomatoes attractive, they are easy to harvest, also. The number of cherry tomato crops you increase the basket is located in part on the type of cherry tomato you decide to grow.

Dwarf Varieties

Dwarf cherry tomato crops, such as “Micro Tom” that reaches a height of 6 to 8 inches, which can be expanded at a 4-inch pot with ease, which means you can grow four of those mini cherry tomato crops at a 20-inch hanging basket. Other dwarf cherry tomatoes, such as “Tumbling Tom” need slightly more space. Two or three can grow comfortably in precisely the same basket.

Determinate Cherry Tomatoes

Determinate cherry tomatoes grow to a predetermined dimensions and quit growing, making them a great option for a large hanging basket. Typically a couple of those cherry tomatoes, with a few herbs or brightly coloured flowers, fill a hanging basket. Planting yellow and red cherry tomatoes at precisely the same basket produces a bright display.

Indeterminate Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes, such as “Sweet 100,” produce plenty of mini tomatoes on long rambling vines. These indeterminate tomatoes keep growing during the summer. 1 indeterminate cherry tomato plant will fill a hanging basket and then produce juicy ripe tomatoes for weeks.

Basket Size

Though some cherry tomatoes, such as “Micro Tom,” can be grown in a hanging basket with a diameter of 6 to 8 inches, others, like “Sweet 100,” need a hanging basket at least 16 to 20 inches in diameter. Standard 12-inch hanging pots offer enough space for dwarf cherry tomato crops, but don’t offer enough for large indeterminate plants.


Many gardeners prefer to add bright flowers, such as nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus), and aromatic herbs, such as oregano (Origanum vulgare), to their hanging baskets of strawberries. Remember that adding different plants with your cherry tomatoes reduces the number of tomato plants that the basket can support. As a rule, deep baskets can support more tomato crops than superficial baskets since they provide more space for the roots.

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What Vining Vegetables Not to Plant Together

Crisp green beans (Phaseolus coccineus L.), sweet peas (Pisum sativum), crunchy cucumbers (Cucumis sativa) and sweet tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) all grow on vines. You might not consider zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepoas) since a vine but following a long summer’s increase, the plant may be up to 6 ft long. To get the most from your garden, whether you live in a foggy coastal place or dry inland place, certain vines should not be implanted together for the best outcomes.

Disease Prone

You say to-mah-toe, ” I say po-tay-toe. However you pronounce it, both tomato and garlic are vines from the nightshade family. The leaves and vines are toxic. The fruit of this potato (Solanum tuberosum) is toxic as well. The edible portion is the underground tuber. These cousins should not be implanted together or even near each other because they are prone to similar diseases such as blight. If one becomes infected, the other will too, and you’ll get rid of both crops. You also need to rotate the planting area so neither plant is increased in exactly the exact same place for over 1 season in a row.

Different Seasons

English peas grab onto a trellis with tendrils, while green beans twine round the trellis. That might look as though they could develop with each other, making one trellis do the work of 2. The problem is that peas are cool-season vegetables while beans are warm-season. If you plant them at precisely the exact same time, another will not boom. The cool temperatures that peas like will cause the beans to decay instead of germinate. If you plant the peas when it is warm, they will sprout, but subsequently perish from the warmth.

Growth Pattern

Delicate vines such as green beans will not compete with vigorous, fast, large-leaved squashes such as pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) if the beans and pumpkins are grown on the ground. The growth pattern of the beans is upward, while the pumpkins sprawl. The pumpkins will crowd out the beans. 1 way to get around this — and make the garden twice as productive — is to plant the beans at which they could climb upward such as about a corn stem (Zea mays). The squash may then clamber among the corn.


Growing a cucumber beside a melon will not make the cucumber sweeter or the melon less flavorful due to cross pollination. Those two do not cross pollinate. However, cucurbits of the very same species may pollinate each other. Pumpkins, gourds and zucchini are all of the same species and will cross pollinate. The fruit that includes the cross-pollinated seeds will probably be accurate to its own parent plant. The next generation may be different, true to parent or something halfway between.

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Fun Facts About Persimmons

Persimmons (Diospyros spp.) Grow nicely in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. The trees may reach 25 feet tall and wide with drooping branches with 7-inch-long shiny green leaves. The brightly colored fruit is filled with beta-carotene and vitamins A and C. Some fun facts about persimmons make these fruits more interesting to grow and eat.


Persimmons originated in China, where over 2,000 different cultivars were developed. Eventually the tree spread into Korea and Japan. By the middle of the 1800s, the persimmon tree made the journey across the Pacific Ocean to California. The seeds came in 1856 with Commodore Perry from Japan, and entire trees were imported to California in 1870.


Persimmon flowers appear in the spring to one-year-old growth. Cream-colored flowers are female while male flowers are pink. Many persimmon trees are either male or female, but there are plants with both female and male blossoms. Several persimmon cultivars are parthenocarpic, which produces seedless fruit without pollination.

Two Main Types

Fuyu persimmons are a non-astringent selection, which is eaten fresh. This kind of persimmon stays fresh for up to three weeks when stored at room temperature. Hachiya persimmons are soft to the touch when ripe and are astringent, and they are used for cooking. This astringent variety only stays fresh for a few days.


Unripe Japanese persimmons are filled with tannin, which is used to brew sake and maintain wood in Japan. The little, non-edible fruit from wild persimmon trees in Japan are crushed and mixed with water. This solution is painted on paper to repel insects. This solution is also considered to give cloth moisture-repellent properties.


Persimmon fruit need curing before they are edible. Purdue University notes that in the Far East, persimmons are commonly covered with bamboo mats and left to chill in near freezing temperatures. Another method is to put the fruit in covered seams and smoke them with burning animal dung. For your little home grower, put the newly selected fruit in a sealed container for a couple of days with apples or bananas. The ethylene gas created by the bananas and apples cures the persimmons.

American Persimmon

The American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is also known as possumwood. The little fruit produced by this tree is simply edible after exposure to a hard freeze in the fall. American Indians would dry and pick the wild persimmons, later baking the dried fruit into loaves of bread.

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Are the Stalks or Stems of Ruby Red Swiss Chard Poisonous?

Ruby red Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris “Ruby Red”) complements several garden designs using its large crinkly green leaves that add texture and bright colour to late-fall gardens in which it rises round in mild winters. It gives new, easy-to-grow nutritional greens throughout the growing season. As this has a cheerful appearance, ruby red Swiss chard also packs nutritional value similar to the popular garden yearly, spinach. Both the leaves and the bright crimson stalks are edible.

Often Confused With Rhubarb

Although Swiss chard isn’t poisonous, all parts of the plant — including the stalks and leaves — contain some oxalic acid that can crystallize in people sensitive to oxalic acid, forming oxalate urinary tract stones. This may be a concern particularly in those with kidney and gallbladder issues. Confusion around its toxicity may also abound because Ruby red Swiss chard leaves resemble those of the perennial rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum), that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 to 7. Rhubarb leaves — although not other parts of the rhubarb — contain high levels of oxalic acid and are considered poisonous.

Grow It

Many varieties of Swiss chard are available for gardeners. All are grown as annuals, but ruby red Swiss chard has turned into among the most popular for both gardeners and landscapers. Sow “Ruby Red” seeds in containers, vegetable gardens and flower beds in spring, after the last frost. If you plan to harvest entire plants, continue to plant seeds during late summer, suggest the experts on Cornell University’s internet Gardening Guide. It’s a vigorous grower and, even if harvested often, this plant will provide months of tasty treats.

Harvest It

Gently harvest Swiss chard to support leaf production. Once the leaves reach a height of 10 inches, outer leaves may be removed and cooked or added to your salad. The entire plant may be harvested by cutting on the very best. Catch 2 inches and the plant will regrow from that foundation. Young leaves, particularly thinned seedlings, can be added to salads.

Cook It

Cook and revel in eating both the leaves and stalks. The leaves have an earthy flavor while the stalks are a little tart. The leaves may be blanched, steamed or stir fried; the stalks are excellent on pizza and in soups, sauces and stews. Chop and mix Swiss chard leaves and comes with ancient spring greens for a very simple salad. Many enjoy steaming mixtures of greens with a little bacon fat. After harvesting, carefully rinse before cooking, as Swiss chard frequently conceals silt in its wrinkled leaves.

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